Endeavour Veterinary Ecology Koal Tracker (Product Development Project)

Endeavour Veterinary Ecology

Koala Tracker


Concept, Development + Production



Seven years ago the Queensland government pushed through a 12.6km rail line - interfering with Koala habitats. Wildlife Veterinarian Dr. Jon Hanger, the Endeavour team, D+I and LX-Group started the mission to monitor the Koalas in a way that had never been possible before. The area for the initiative included one kilometre either side of the rail line. The Koalas presence in the area was on a pretty distinct extinction trajectory. Estimates indicate there is roughly 120,000-300,000 wild Koalas in Australia.

Three years into the initiative and the extinction trajectory for this community was reversed.


500+ Koala’s Tracked

The results are incredible: In the last year, there has been population growth and a decrease in premature adult deaths in the area. 20+ Joeys born in past 12-months. More than 100+ joeys in the community. Significant reductions in chlamydial diseases in the population. Proof Koala populations can be relocated. The Queensland government late last year posited a statewide development ban within 570,00ha of "Koala Priority Areas".

Since inception, the Endeavour team fitted more than 500 Koalas with tracking devices and assessed their health.