Seeing Machines Fovio

Seeing Machines



Research, Concept, Development + Production


Seeing Machines Fovio

Seeing Machines, a global leader in computer vision technologies that enable machines to see, understand and assist people, partnered with D+I to develop FOVIO, a hardware solution for their flagship eye-tracking technology.

Seeing Machines are using FOVIO to develop and deliver contextual understanding of users in industries that include automotive, aerospace, commercial transportation and consumer electronics.

Seeing Machines Fovio

Watching you watch the road.

Tight collaboration between Seeing Machines engineers and D+I’s product design and engineering team was required to deliver a successful product solution that maintained design intent while satisfying challenging product and technology requirements.

The wide range of operating environments and potential users called for a universal design that suited cockpits, simulators, vehicles, and consoles. The final cylindrical form chosen for FOVIO also allows flexibility of installation and generates market differentiation.

Seeing Machines Fovio